如果QooApp遇到黑屏(If QooApp shows black screen)



如果有香港、深圳的玩家有這個黑屏情況,懇請聯繫一下我,借幾部手機現場試下。 mr@qoo-app.com 幫忙的朋友將會得到獨家小禮物作為答謝!如需某些遊戲APK,也可直接email聯繫我

最新版本又嘗試了新的方法修復,請遇到問題的朋友再次試下: http://r.qoo-app.com/q



Sorry about lately reports on this issues!! However all of my devices cannot reproduce this problem, that’s why although I’ve tried several ways to fix, seems there are still new cases are reported.

To solve the problem, I would like to ask any one in Hong Kong/ Shenzhen that has the problem to help. I hope you can lend me your phone for some testing. You will get a special gift from QooApp.

For everyone has the “black screen” problem, please try again this latest version I just tried fix again today. http://r.qoo-app.com/q


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