[Qoo News] Sega reveals Chinese version of Chaos;Child! at TpGS – a possible English version soon?
Sega reveals four games that will be made into Chinese at Taipei Game Show, and the one that surprises most people is a Chinese Chaos;Child.
Sega reveals four games that will be made into Chinese at Taipei Game Show, and the one that surprises most people is a Chinese Chaos;Child.
擁有台灣遊戲奧斯卡之稱的「GAME STAR 遊戲之星票選」今日於台灣館舉行頒獎典禮,今年共有150款遊戲參賽,經過為期一個月近六萬名玩家票選後。特別值得一提的是Taiwan Indie Game 部份,是由諾西遊戲開發的音樂手遊《Lanota》獲得。
QooApp將於今年台北國際電玩展 2017 獨家展出各款日韓遊戲新作,而QooApp家族你們熟悉的Elly、Gilbert也會在展位恭候各位Q蛋!! 好期待見到他們呀!